Nazareth School

Old Chandapura, Bengaluru

Philosophy of Nazareth School
Nazareth School, Chandapura, is a Christian Minority School owned and administered by the Amar Deep Society. Nazareth School is a recognized School, following the I.C.S.E. Syllabus. It strives to impart sound formation through all round education. The aim of this institute is to help the students grow intellectually, physically, spiritually, psychologically and socially in an atmosphere of freedom and responsibility with special emphasis on character formation.
We, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth are an International Congregation in a multicultural world. Impelled by the love of Christ, in the tradition of Vincent de Paul and the pioneer spirit of Catherine Spalding, we and our Associates are committed to work for justice in solidarity with oppressed peoples, especially the economically poor and women, and to care for the earth. We risk our lives and resources, both personally and corporately, as we engage in diverse ministries in carrying out this mission.
Inspired by the Mission of Jesus, we the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth strongly hold the following beliefs.
  • WE BELIEVE that the overall goal of the Education Apostolate is to proclaim the GOOD NEWS to all, thereby bringing about individual transformation and social change.
  • WE BELIEVE that as Catholic Educators, we hold the responsibility of the faith formation of Christian students and the spiritual formation of all students, staff and parents.
  • WE BELIEVE that we are called to be prophetic in our educational endeavors.
  • WE BELIEVE that all our educational endeavors call us forth to cater to the poor, the marginalized, especially Dalit’s, tribal people, girls and other deprived sections of the society.
  • WE BELIEVE that our task as educators is to enable students:
    • To think for themselves independently and critically.
    • To seek, extend and apply knowledge to solve human problems.
    • To continually strive towards excellence in every field.
    • To become mature, spiritually aware men and women of CHARACTER, COMPASSION AND COMPETENCE.
    • To use their freedom judiciously and take responsibility for their actions.
    • To be clear and firm on principles and be courageous in actions.
    • To be sensitive and generous in the service of their fellow human beings.
    • To become agents of needed social change in their own situations.
  • WE BELIEVE in enabling our students to work towards national unity, civic - mindedness, work ethic, a pride in their cultural heritage, a spirit of reverence and embracing multiculturalism and secular values.
  • WE BELIEVE that caring for the earth and responsible use of natural resources are integral part of teaching - learning process.
  • WE BELIEVE in upholding and promoting human rights, especially rights of children and gender equality.
  • WE BELIEVE in providing holistic and universal education.
  • WE FURTHER BELIEVE in continually evaluating our educational services in the light of our goal and SCN priorities.